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What is Energy Medicine?

1. About the energies of the body

2. What is energy medicine?

3. Why would you choose energy healing?

1. About the energies of the body

For many years, the body has been seen as a machine made out of cogs and spokes. When a disease appeared, it meant that a component was not working properly; it had to be "oiled". Little by little, health and well-being are starting to be addressed from several facets: emotionally, physically and mentally.

What I'm about to say is not approved by classical medicine; energy medicine is considered a pseudo-science. In my opinion, medicine related to the energy of the body is the most important. That's why:

long before a problem occurs in the physical body, it is the energetic body that feels it.

We have this physical body, made of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. We're used to thinking that if something hurts, it means we have a problem with an organ. It results that we have to take treatment. For example, your head hurts, you take an Advil.

I started to wonder: is there something deeper, stronger that causes the disease?

Besides the physical body, we discovered that we also have an energetic one, one not seen by normal people like us, but felt by everyone. We are a very powerful combination, both energy, in the world of intangible, as well as physics, a world of concretization and material.

Our body is the bridge between the world of tangible and the untangible; the energy and the material.

Your energetic body is made up of vessels (like the blood vessels of the physical body) through which energy circulates, called the meridians. On the central axis of the body, we have some main basins that store and distribute energy, called chakras. Meridians can clog and block, so they can cause diseases.

The science that studies bioenergy is as complex as the science that studies the physical body. I strongly believe that the medicine of the future will combine excellent energy treatments, but also classical methods. I see with my mind's eyes that in the future there will be no more doctors because each of us will already know how to heal ourselves.

2. What is energy medicine?

Our body is built to repair itself. That's not about spirituality. You don't have to be a doctor or a yogin in a Buddhist monastery to see this. A wound heals itself, closes itself, and eventually, the scar also disappears.

Energy medicine is the oldest profession, which has been forgotten for a while and seems to be back in our ranks.

We each have in us a doctor of our own; a doctor who repairs every deviation that occurs, without you often realizing it.

At some point, after a lot of assault on the body, our inner doctor can't handle it.

Western medicine overflows with prescriptions for pills and treatments from the pharmacy. There are people that without taking the fist of pills every day, can't survive; their internal doctor is asleep. Through exercises that directly touch the energies within us, we can reactivate the self-healing function.

For example, before you have a fever, the meridian in the body called Triple Warmer is too powerful and destructive. It is a system that deals with the defense of the body against foreign agents but also regulates body temperature. Doing the exercises that directly target Triple Warmer and "disarm" it, you will reduce the fever and it will eventually disappear.

I managed over the course of two months to learn how to stop my incredibly painful migraines, to relieve the pain from sciatic nerve neuralgia, to cure the inflammation of my ovaries, to lift my state from apathy, to happiness and passion. I don't have tired eyes anymore; I am able to find out which foods are energy-satisfying; to find out what jewels are beneficial to me; achieve greater concentration and mental strength; fall asleep after insomnia etc.

Energy medicine is not at all difficult to understand. It's the same principle as classical medicine, which we know: there's a problem, we treat it. The aspect that is more problematic is our openness to this information. We prefer in a muscle ache to take a pill and go to the doctor because that's how we got used to it and that pays off. What if there's another way? What if we can cure ourselves for free and with long-lasting effects that are much, much more powerful?

There are countless exercises and techniques for almost any pain and illness!

Here's a technique to use for curing migraine:

3. Why would you choose energy healing?

-You have nothing to lose.

There are no mistakes when you heal at the energy level. Before you take that pill, try doing an energy exercise for that condition. If it doesn't pass, you can always take a pill. But I guarantee you that if you do it from the heart and connect for a few minutes to your insides, the body will respond positively. Every time I heal I am surprised by the immense power that lies in my hands.

-It's non-invasive, with no side effects.

All medicines have side effects that can manifest themselves; in this way, a drug is both beneficial and bad for you. For example, did you know that a cough pill (Tussin) can also come with dizziness, vomiting, skin rashes, or airway spasm? Each body is unique. The same dose of vitamin C I'm taking, it won't suit you. The same dose of Tussin I took may not be indicated for you. Energy medicine is a personalized practice and it has no adverse effects.

-It's the one that's always there.

You don't always have pills on you or you can't go to the pharmacy at 2:00 a.m. when your belly hurts, but your hands are electromagnetic and thirsty to cure you.

Speaking of stomach pain: have you noticed that when our belly hurts, we tend to get our hands on it and rotate gently? It's an instinct you have; the body knows how to heal. One of the techniques that removes belly pain is turning counterclockwise for 5 to 10 minutes (I do more, depending on how hard the pain is), followed by a clockwise rotation for 1-2 minutes.

- It's the last frontier.

I have watched people who have had cancer and other terminal diseases and have been treated with the help of practitioners specialized in body energies. After the battle with the disease, when the body no longer responds to any man-made medicine, those brave soldiers reach the end of their powers and capitulate to their own power.

Watch the movie "Heal" on Netflix to see some of these stories.

At the end of the powers of classical medicine, we lie down and start thinking about alternatives: your own energy.

-It can be applied to others, but also to animals and plants.

-You can lift your mood; be full of vitality and energy.

For example, the case of the menstrual cycle is well known for the fact that girls and women are at the lowest of their energy. You can feel that your energy is down. With energy techniques, you can find the desire for life, no matter what you are in. You can transform one of your blackest days into one where you feel like everything's going smoothly!

-Build long-lasting well-being

Energy medicine is the best used to build healthy energy patterns. In other words, to build long-term health. It can also be used for some situations at the moment, but at life-threatening times (e.g. anaphylactic shock; stroke; heart attack), classical medicine is the answer.

Overall, energetic medicine is much, much more beneficial. By doing certain daily exercises with your energies, you maintain an energetic well-being for a lot longer.

For example, I had a period of irritation on my arms because of the intense emotions I was feeling at the time. I ended up taking pills for this, but now, after doing my daily energy routine, they've stopped showing up and building favorable energy patterns so they will never show up again.

-You can test objects and foods.

That's what I thought was brilliant: to learn how to test any food and any jewelry, glasses, clothes, slippers, to see if they're useful to me and support me energetically. It may seem like it was out of a Sci-Fi movie, but let's take the gold chain: it's made of a stone pulled out of the ground. Anything has energy, especially the earth on which we step, and that golden stone has energy flowing through it. Some are compatible with that energy, some are not. I attach methods to doing this.

-Because it's free!

Healing is a birthright you have. You can heal yourself and get out of whatever disease you have, no matter how old you are and wherever you are, because the energy is always in you. We have moved so far away from the natural state; we are immersed every day in man-made electromagnetic energies, in pollution; we can not eat food with E's and additives. Your body must constantly adapt to all these waves that go through you, and you can help it.

I think each of us, intrinsically, want the same thing: to be happy. Happiness cannot come without physical well-being. When you're sick, you're not "you"; You've moved away from the vital state you were in. The best doctor you can consult is you. Claim your powers and don't expect from the outside world to receive them!

I love you

Challenge: connecting Heaven and Earth exercise

Do this in the morning or when you feel like it. This exercise grounds you, makes you feel that you have a solid base all day and also raises your energy up. "Connecting Heaven and Earth" is a wonderful exercise to get your energy flowing. This exercise can also help with joint pain and can remove a cold. Breathe in through the nose, breath out through the mouth.

Energetic Medicine Course:

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